Call to order – 6:27 pm, Barbara Wright and Jay Osborne, co-chairs, presiding
In attendance – Faith Kenton, Jay Osborne, Daniel Phipps, Ursula Roskoski, Carole Williamson, Barbara Wright.
Minutes of the Board meeting held on 11/20/2024 were unanimously approved. They had been posted on-line previously for members to access and read.
Approval for $800 emergency expenditure for GOTB lighting project – Barbara
explained that this item was on the agenda to solicit discussion on a GOTB lighting project expenditure.
Carole had called her to request permission to spend additional money on the lighting project. The money was in the budget, so Barbara approved the expenditure. Pam had then written that she thought we had already approved the entire budget for the project previously. Barbara then
asked for discussion.
Faith raised a question about how the $2600 allotted to that project breaks down both in source and in expenditure. Barbara explained that $2000 was from the town, $500 was from the Soroptimists and $100 was from Pride’s Corner. It was never broken out into any kind of budget of expenditures. Faith raised the question of whether the items purchased belong to the GC, and are they re-usable. Barbara replied that they do belong to the GC and most of them are re-usable. Dan explained that $1100 was spent on strands of lights that are re-usable, stakes are limited re-use, Carole has also purchased extension cords, splitters, etc, that are re-usable and she has receipts for everything.
Discussion ensued on the need, or not, for itemized invoices to be shared with the board for all
purchases. as so much had been made of the need for detailed invoices from the summer worker. Dan explained that there is a difference with a contracted employee because there is a 1099 form that has to be signed that requires this for tax documentation. These were not shared with the board. Dan requested clarification from Faith on whether or not what she is asking for is a more detailed treasurer’s report. Dan stated that the lighting projects committee will put together a detailed report.
Barbara asked if we could have a motion to approve the $800 emergency lighting expenditure. Carole moved, Ursula seconded. Vote was taken. Motion was approved by five votes with Faith abstaining. She stated that she did not like how it was done; she would have liked more transparency.
Draft proposal for slate of officers for 2025 -
Co-Presidents: Barbara Wright and Jay Osborne
Treasurer: Patty Spruance
Budget and Finance: Jennifer Duchesne
Membership Committee: Jay Osborne
Public Spaces Committee: Dan Phipps
Wildlife Habitat Committee: Pam Wright
Garden on the Bridge Committee: Jay Osborne
High Street Hillside Committee: Faith Kenton
Ad hoc Holiday Lights Committee: Carole Williamson and Dan Phipps
Board Members at large: Debbie Stoloff, Ursula Roskoski
Barbara stated that she and Jay have tried to recruit for board members at large, but have been
unsuccessful. She stated that people get tired and want to step down from board positions. She
does not think that we need to vote on the slate right now because it is a work in progress.
Discussion and approval of the GC’s Financial Plan for 2025 - Barbara stated that there
were a couple of areas in which we fell short in 2024. One of them was plant sales where we had projected $1800 and made just a little over $1000. Another area was membership where we were anticipating growth and fell seriously short by about $500. There are causes for concern. If we are going to continue to grow we need to focus on plant sales and membership and we need to talk about ways to reach our membership more effectively. Vote for approval of the financial plan was tabled to give board members more time to review it.
Dan stated that we probably have to look at funding sources for the GC at large, as it seems like the Friends of the Garden on the Bridge is doing all right at getting funding, but everything else is trending in the wrong direction. Barbara then stated that we did just get $10,000 as a Pageau grant. It is not included in this budget because we have not gotten the check yet. It will come in the spring. Dan asked whether any of the Pageau money is encumbered. Barbara explained that it is to be used only for helpers to help with physically taxing work done to maintain gardens for the upcoming year. Barbara suggested that the administration of this Pageau grant might fall under the direction of the Public Spaces chairperson, with details to be discussed in the future.
Membership Outreach – Faith led this discussion, presenting details of several ideas she had about outreach. She believes that, January being the month for renewal of membership, this would be a good time to send out a piece [about the club] with return envelopes and see what we get. Although she concedes that this may be expensive, she thinks it will be a very worthy investment, as she thinks the personal approach works best; and it would be a bad idea to scrimp on this front.
Barbara stated that, due to cost and environmental responsibility she is reluctant to proceed with all of this paper, but maybe we could see what we get around mid-January and then send something out to those who don’t renew. Carole stated that the majority of people use email and suggested we use that approach and send out printed copies only to those who do not reply.
Dan questioned whether membership has actually gone down over the years. Barbara replied that overall membership has not but active membership has gone way down. She feels that we have the money and that it would be worth doing what Faith is proposing, she agrees that we should not be skimpy. But she proposes that we table the details of this until we hear what Ursula has to say about growing membership, because it might affect how we look at this.
Growing membership – Ursula prepared a document detailing some ideas about growing membership and was asked to include the full content of that in these minutes. It is as follows:
Growing membership. There are roadblocks to growing membership.
I came into this GC of Windham with few expectations and a desire to learn more about plants and gardens and gardening. I have learned a great deal over the four years I have had some kind of affiliation with the club - not all of it has had to do with the Latin names of plants or how to lay mulch or prune a cherry tree! I have had a growing awareness that there is a dysfunction within this group, a dysfunction that impedes growing membership. I know that others in the GC are aware of it in different ways and I understand that knowledge and personal experience of this dysfunction has leaked out into the wider community.
I have been reluctant to speak up about this openly and widely for different reasons - fear, not knowing how people will react, not knowing exactly what to say or how to say it, a certain shyness in groups, etc. But as I see the pressure to grow the club mounting I am gaining more confidence in the ability to be heard.
The dysfunction that I speak of, that impedes our ability to attract and hold on to participating members, is how we treat each other. This is not shown in single events or between particular persons, it is widespread. There is general disrespect in not heeding others' boundaries, in not addressing others' concerns, in actual bullying and downright rudeness. This does not make us an attractive group to join, and many of those who do join don't stay as active participants.
This is a two part dysfunction: the fact that the behavior exists and the fact that the board, the group as a whole, has not shown willingness to address it.
I am hoping that the time to address it has come as we strain to grow membership. The place to start is to recognize and acknowledge that a problem exists. We can ask the question. I ask the question. Are each of us willing to recognize that a problem exists? Then ask are we willing to put in the work to address it? Some of this will involve self-evaluation. That is not ever comfortable for anyone. But I know it can be done. A place to start is to ask: what do we, as a club, have to offer? Are we looking to give something or to get something? Do we want to offer friendship, companionship in the garden, or are we looking for labor to promote our projects?
I, personally, and I am not alone in this, do not see any point in putting in the time and energy to stage any membership campaigns until this issue is addressed. Let's start with willingness. That is a good beginning. If the response is positive, then we can move, at a meeting next month, in person to dig our teeth into the issues and begin the work.
There was a lengthy discussion concluding with tentative consensus that we move forward with the ideas embodied in this statement.
Next Meeting - to be determined
Adjourned – 8:15 pm
Respectfully submitted by Ursula Roskoski